Lights, Camera, Action: How to Record a Webinar Worth Replaying

How often do you find yourself running late to a webinar or missing it entirely? Too often to admit? You’re not alone. On average, 260 people register for a single webinar. However, only about 60% of people actually attend the webinars they register for.

Marketer looking at computer screen learning how to record a webinar

If you’re on t h e ot h er side of t h e aisle h o sting t h e webinars, you’ve probably felt let down w h en you realized nearly h alf your registrants found somet h ing better to do for an h o ur. Don’t take it personally. T h e people you’re targeting for a webinar are busy and mig h t find it burdensome to carve out an h o ur for a live event. T h ink about it in terms of opportunity cost — would you rat h er spend an h o ur attending a live webinar about t h e future of digital advertising on social media or creating a couple of Facebook ads to go live t h at day? Let’s be h o nest, producing results will almost always come first on our list of to-do’s w h ile learning about t h e future will come later.