
The 2015 edition of the Camp Management Toolkit is the most comprehensive guidance for those engaged in camp-based responses to displacement. Stressing the inter-sectoral nature of the responses, the toolkit highlights recent knowledge to better protect and meet the needs of displaced populations in camp settings. The Camp Management toolkit can be accessed in this entry below and online.

Minimum Standards for Camp Management

Minimum Standards for Camp Management describe the minimum actions needed to support meaningful engagement within a site as well as planning and coordination between sectors and agencies. They aim to clarify the role of any site management agency working on a daily basis in humanitarian settings and to set out minimum levels of quality of that work. It can be accessed below, on the CCCM Cluster website, and on the Sphere website.

Full Coordinator Toolkit

A collection of tools, templates, and references that can be used by CCCM Cluster Leads can be downloaded from the CCCM website. Tools and templates can assist cluster leads in developing camp management strategies, situation reports, site planning, and other areas. The CCCM Coordinator toolkit can be accessed online.

Urban Displacement and Outside Camp (UDOC) Review

This document was developed primarily for CCCM practitioners, but it hopes to be a means to enhance dialogue with other actors of the cluster system, national authorities, early recovery, and development actors to improve the humanitarian response toward IDPs outside camps. The document is a CCCM desk review on outside camp contexts was conducted from July to December 2013. It explores how CCCM resources and experiences of camp-like and camp-based responses can be applied to respond to the needs of displaced populations outside camps - in particular in urban environments. The final section of the document presents a possible model of CCCM intervention outside camps called 'The Center for Communication and Community Management'. The UDOC Review can be accessed in this entry below and online.

Collective Centre Guidelines

The Guidelines highlight essential issues of protection and service provision in Collective Centres. They provide practical advice on how best to coordinate and manage Centres and uphold the rights of displaced persons. It is an advisory manual and does not attempt to develop policies or directives. The Collective Centre Guidelines can be accessed in this entry below and online.

The Comprehensive Guide for Planning Mass Evacuations in Natural Disasters (MEND Guide)

The document aims to provide guidance in planning and carrying out large scale evacuations. The purpose of evacuations is to save the lives of people exposed to actual or imminent danger through their timely and rapid movement to safer locations. Effective planning is critical to ensuring the safe and timely evacuation of all persons at risk, to meet emergency needs for shelter and assistance, and to ensure evacuees and other affected people are able to recover from the disruption and risks created by their displacement as safely and quickly as possible. To support implementation of the MEND guide, IOM also offers country-specific capacity building workshops on planning mass evacuations based on the guide. In addition, disaster preparedness missions can be deployed to assess and provide guidance on evacuation preparedness. This support can be requested by contacting the CCCM Support Team in Geneva (globalcccm@iom.int). The MEND Guide can be accessed in this entry below and online.

Camp Closure Guidelines

Camp closure is a process that gradually leads to withdrawal of humanitarian assistance from a former camp location. The process begins following indications that IDPs are ready to return, relocate or resettle in a preferred location though it should be planned for in advance. The guidelines are a tool to facilitate the process of planning, implementing, and coordinating successful closure of camps and camp-like situations. The Camp Closure Guidelines can be accessed in this entry below and online.

IOM CCCM Proposal Checklist (and GBV Annex)

This checklist is meant to be used by IOM staff in charge of reviewing proposals with CCCM components. The checklist covers key points to take into account before reviewing the proposal, at each step in the project cycle, and in the budget. It comes with an Annex on GBV mainstreaming (based on the GBV guidelines recommendations), but key GBV considerations are also mainstreamed in the main checklist.

IASC Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action, or 'GBV Guidelines' (2015)

The purpose of the Guidelines is to assist humanitarian actors and communities affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate essential actions for the prevention and mitigation of GBV across all sectors of humanitarian response. The complete guidelines are available online and in the Gender Mainstreaming entry. One chapter is entirely dedicated to CCCM and can be accessed online here. For further information please reference the entries on Protection Mainstreaming and Gender Mainstreaming.

Disability Inclusion in CCCM Toolbox

This toolbox was developed to support CCCM practitioners in implementing more inclusive responses. It includes step-by-step guidance and practical tools to support the inclusion of persons with disabilities in CCCM with a focus on participation and accessibility of services. The content of the toolbox is in line with the IASC Guidelines for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in humanitarian action (2019) and contributes to its roll-out at the sector level.