Social Media Policy

1.1 Lamar University is committed to making the best use of all available technology and innovation. This includes using all reasonable and cost-effective means to improve communication and interaction with the individuals and communities we serve.

1.2 Social media is a general term used to reference sites and activity on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other virtual hub where users interact. Other popular social media sites include, but are not limited to, Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Flickr, WordPress and FourSquare.

1.4 To avoid major mistakes which could result in reputational, legal, and ethical issues, and misuse/abuse of well-functioning social media relationships, potential risks must be managed through a common-sense approach and framework and the proactive monitoring of the development of such applications.

1.5 These guidelines must be read and adhered to in conjunction with all other information provided by Lamar University on the use of social media.

2. Definition of social media

2.1 For the purposes of these guidelines, social media is a type of interactive online media that allows parties to communicate instantly with each other or to share data in a public forum. This includes e-mail, online social forums, blogs, video and image-sharing websites and similar facilities.

2.2 There are many more forms of social media than could be listed here as this is a constantly changing area. Employees and students must follow these guidelines in relation to any university-affiliated social media that they use.

3. Legal

3.1 The use of social media must follow all applicable federal and state laws as well as system and university regulations and policies. Laws such as FERPA , and HIPAA must be followed along with all applicable NCAA regulations. Any content and/or online activity created by an individual or site moderator that violates these ordinances, or contains/leads to the release of a student’s private personal information is strictly prohibited and will be removed.

3.2 FERPA: "The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education." (read more…)

3.3 Employees and contractors of Lamar University may not engage in course correspondence or post any information regarding student records on social media. Examples of student records include, but are not limited to, names, admission status, GPA, Social Security number, Student ID number, and any/all other information that would be covered by FERPA. All such communications with students or prospective students must be conducted using secure discussion platforms, such as email, as outlined by Lamar University's Appropriate Use Policy. Direct messaging applications and social media sites are not considered secure discussion platforms and must not be used as such.

3.4 Protect confidential medical records as specified by HIPAA: “The Privacy Rule protects all ‘individually identifiable health information’ held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form or media, whether electronic, paper or oral.” Examples of protected information include, but are not limited to, “…the individual’s past, present or future physical or mental health or condition, the provision of health care to the individual, or, the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to the individual, and that identifies the individual or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe can be used to identify the individual.” (read more. )

3.5 The world of social media has changed the face of communication and recruitment in collegiate sports and all Lamar University employees must abide by NCAA regulations when interacting and communicating on social media platforms. Employees must refrain from knowingly contacting prospective student-athletes on social media platforms.

3.6 T he university does not endorse or use any social network Internet communication service or media sharing service as a secure means of communication for online business transactions or matters involving personal information. The university will not ask for, nor should an individual send, credit card or payment information, classified information, privileged information, private information or information subject to non-disclosure agreements via any social network Internet communication service.

3.7 As a site administrator or user of any type, Lamar University employees and students are required to obey the terms of use of all social media platforms and comply with applicable university policies as well as federal and state laws.

4. Use of social media

4.1 Where the university encourages employees to make reasonable and appropriate use of social media websites as part of their work, it is recognized that it is an important part of how the university communicates with its audience and allows communication and networking between staff and university stakeholders.

4.2 Employees may, with explicit prior approval from their supervisor, contribute to the university's social media activities, for example by writing blog posts, managing social media accounts and running official social communications account for the university in accordance with the standards defined by the Lamar University Department of Marketing Communications.

4.3 Use of personal devices, such as laptops, tablets and mobile telephones, to access social media websites while at work is governed by policies set forth by the Office of Human Resources. Employees must adhere to those policies.

4.4 Employees must be aware at all times that while contributing to Lamar University's social media activities, they are representing the university. Employees who use social media as part of their job must adhere to the following safeguards:

4.5 Lamar University employee communication through social media must not: